Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rock the Backup. Don't talk about it. Just get it done.

We all know we're supposed to do it. But we don't. We'll do it tomorrow, or when we have a free moment. I'm talking about backing up photos. Yes, it's a great thing to do. I go to the copy, DVD copy, external hard drive, memory cards.... for my clients. For my own personal pictures, that's been a whole other story. I just let my personal images collect and gather dust in hard drives just like everyone else (and only one copy! What is wrong with me?!?!). The only problem with that is that technology fails. In twenty years when they are still in that little obsolete black box and our grandkids are asking what it is, it would be a shame that we can't pull out the albums and recall memories with them.

So what is the moral of the story? Nothing preserves images and memories like actually printing out portraits or making albums. Digital files are great and they have their place.

I'm sitting here with my fingers crossed and running a recovery software on my clunking external hard drive and trying not to think about which family memories are on there that could be gone without a trace. Anyone who has been to my house comments on the lack of pictures that I have up. I work with people every single day to make recommendations and to design works of art for their walls. Somehow, I just can't commit images for my own wall! It's time to stop procrastinating and get them up. I think I'll have to make some decisions about my bare walls TODAY and maybe even take the time to design some albums for myself that I keep putting off. It's time to treat my own images as priority images just like I do with client files..... my goodness, I'd hate to explain to my kids why they don't have any baby pictures!! That's one question I don't want to have to answer.

I'll be archiving all client files from 2010 and earlier in the upcoming weeks. These files will be moved off-site completely. As much as photographers take the time (and stress about it!) to keep your images safe until orders come in, it's best to get your orders in as soon as you can.

What is your backup strategy? I know mine personal strategy has taken a shift. My new motto is print, print, print! I really have no excuses here except lack of time, but that will change!

Mention this blog when sending in your next order and tell me your backup strategy, and I'll throw a special archival gift. Limited time only.

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